A Career You LOVE


Tired of Feeling Like your career is wrong for you?


If you find yourself thinking 'How did I get here?' I followed all the 'right' steps. I worked hard, and listened to those who know and still I'm so miserable in my work. 

You are not alone. Many professionals achieve great job titles and paycheques, but then find themselves thinking 'what's the point of all this?' 

Running on an endless treadmill to earn more money or get recognized by your boss just seems so empty.  There has to be more - and you're right! Let me show you how to get to a career path that was meant for you.

This program will support you in discovering the career that is meant for you.  A career that flows, fills you with meaning and utilizes your strengths. 

It’s Time To Discover your True Career Path

With one-on-one guidance and a proven career discovery process you've found a safe place for exploration and life design.


The Career Transformation Program

Discover a career that is meant for YOU

Get access to a proven and laid-out technique to discover yourself, your dream life and the career that was meant for you, in as little as 10 weeks.  I'll teach you how to:

  • Understand yourself and how you work best
  • Dispel the career myths that society has programmed us with that are holding you back.
  • Show up for your career in a new way.  Find the purpose that you're craving and know you're meant for. 
  • Proven actions to transition into your dream career 

It’s time to find fulfilling work that is meant for you


Where you are NOW.  Reveal how your decision-making style has gotten you here and what to do about it. 


Discover how your personality and values influence how you experience your career.


Learn how to access a deeper YOU within your core to develop your life purpose.


Discover what your career history has to do with your dream career and your work purpose.


Narrowing your career options and learning how to research them in the real world. 


Conduct career experiments to confirm your career purpose and outline your career plan.

Module 7

Discover the power and secrets behind information interviewing.  How to leverage other people's experience to move your career forward.

Module 8

Career Action Plan.  Set an action plan that you'll actually follow.  Get clear on the steps you need to do now and the long term goals for your career.


Receive my Networking and Resume writing workshops at no extra charge.  This will teach you how to write a successful resume for career transition.  Also, learn how to access the hidden job market through successful and enjoyable networking strategies. 



Get individualized support from a trained Career Coach every step of the way. 

Before each group session, you’ll get a journaling prompt. This will help your thoughts flow. Then when you come to class, you’ll be ready to share what came up for you. Most students find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos of their lives.

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!



I'm a trained HR professional turned Career Coach. With over 7 years career advising experience, I've been helping professionals like YOU find work they love. 

Society tells us to keep our heads down, get our degrees, apply for a good job and work really hard to get promoted. You followed this path and got into a great role but are feeling burned out and empty.   Does that sound familiar? 

Your career does not have to feel like this.  It can be the most beautiful masterpiece that you build.  So if you're ready to wake up with enthusiasm and excitement for your work. 

Join me on a journey of discovery, change and fulfillment to the career that you were meant for.

"She taught me how to find my true self and regained my confidence. That faith she has and I have for myself will follow me in my next chapter and my future."

Sara, Administration TO Sales Professional

"Cecylia is very inspirational, the coaching session went from: I am not sure I want to be in Finance anymore, to I actually got an offer from my dream design school and start a new chapter of my life."

Rori, Finance TO Product Designer





Are you also really frustrated by the fact that you followed all of the 'right' steps but still wound up miserable in your careeryou can't put your finger on exactly what you want and it's frustrating as heck, and it's hard to know who to trust and listen to for advice on how to find your dream career?

Plus, do you constantly ask yourself these questions about how to move forward?:
How do I figure out what I want?
Will I have to start from square one or can I leverage all this experience that I have?
Are my goals realistic, is it even possible to find work that is fulfilling?

The Career Transition Program takes you step by step to answer those questions and MUCH more.  



Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

Book a Complimentary Call


I will continue to work with you for up to 6 months until you find a career path that feels right for you.