The 3 Worst Reasons For A Career Change

Feb 15, 2024

The 3 Worst Reasons For A Career Change


If you are an unfuflillled corporate professional who is excited to discover the formula for your successful career transition, then pay careful attention to this list of worst reasons to do a career change.  This will prevent you from going back to step one in your career.


The wrong reasons for a career change will lead you astray and potentially cause you to fall back to step one in your career journey.  These ‘faulty’ reasons can feel quite seductive and enough to venture forward with a huge life change. 


The problem is that they’re just not enough to carry you through to a successful career transition.  They often lead you to careers where you’ll be faced with the exact problems that you were trying to escape. 


 So, if you want to make a successful career change, make sure one of these is not your sole reason for seeking out that transition. 


Reason # 1 - More Money 🙊

Ok, hear me out.  Money is a great reason to pursue a good career.  However, if you only do it for the money you might miss some important clues as to what could actually make you successful in that career. 

If you're not really an organized person but you pursue project management for the money - you will soon be working out of your ‘flow zone’ and burn out.  You are not able to compete in an environment that you don’t at least somewhat enjoy working in. 

Look at all the aspects of a new career and how it would fit you, rather than just jumping at the money. 


Reason # 2 - Toxic Boss 🙉

A toxic boss can make your life a nightmare.  They can make you question your worth.  Your confidence will be completely smashed.   A truly toxic boss can leave you traumatized.  But a toxic boss is not the definition of your career. 

It is the perfect reason to change jobs or even industries - but it might not be a good reason for a full career change.   There might be a wonderful company with a healthy work environment that would love to have access to your skills.  One that you could thrive at with none of the issues of a bad boss. 

Finding a new job with a great company is much easier than pursuing a full career change.  So, truly analyze what is making you want to run away and see if there’s not a simple job switch solution.


Reason # 3 - Boredom 🙈

Boredom is a big reason alot of clients initiate their career transition conversations with me.  Boredom is a great trigger to know that something is not working. 

Here are some common reasons: you're not working in a meaningful way, your skills are not being used to their max or you've stopped learning. 

There are alot of fixes you can try to fix boredom before making a huge career change. 



And that leads us to the fact that you should book  (  a complimentary call with me to see if a full career transition is the next best step for you. 


Need even more proof? At this point, I’ve led close to 50 professionals in successful career changes with my proven 12-week “Career Transformation Program”  Click Here Now for more: 

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