A+ Paradox: When Past Academic Excellence Clashes With Your Job Interview Success

interview job search Mar 04, 2024
Job Interview

If you were a good student - it might be getting in your way of landing your job interview


Shifting Your Mindset: The Interview Is Not An Exam

Are you familiar with the nerve-wracking feeling of sitting for an exam? The tense race to recall information correctly, knowing that your answers will be judged as strictly right or wrong, can be unnerving. 


Now, consider how often this feeling carries over into the professional world—especially during job interviews. If you've ever felt like a job interview is an examination where your every response dictates success or failure, it's time to adjust your mindset.


An interview is a meeting between two professionals (yes that includes you.)  It is a two way conversation about a good fit for a position.  You are a valuable professional that has the power to also interview a company and decide whether they are right for you.  You hold as much power as they do. 

Interviews: Dialogue, Not Tests


At its core, an interview is less of an interrogation and more of a mutual exploration. Unlike an exam, there is no definitive right or wrong. You are neither a subordinate nor someone begging for approval. Instead, imagine the interview as a pathway to a potential relationship. Like any relationship, the key is fit—not just on paper, but in spirit and ambition.


When companies look for candidates, they're interested in more than just qualifications. They seek alignment with their values, someone who complements their corporate culture, and someone who matches the specific team dynamic. You could be the perfect candidate for one role and completely misaligned for another—and that's perfectly normal. It doesn't reflect poorly on your abilities, the company, or the way you present yourself.


Understanding Your Worth


If you don’t get selected for an interview, it's not akin to failing an exam. It doesn't necessarily correlate with your self-worth or professional capabilities. As someone who has sat on hiring panels, I've observed incredible candidates who were not the right fit at a particular time for the role, or perhaps they were too experienced for the position at hand.


Recognize that during an interview, you wield as much power as the interviewer. If the company's philosophy doesn't resonate with yours, or if they're looking for something that doesn't align with your offerings, the power of choice lies with you too. You're not at the mercy of an “all-powerful instructor”; you're part of a critical decision-making process where both parties determine if they want to proceed in this professional relationship.


Embrace Your Influence


Understanding that an interview is a conversation, not a one-sided assessment, empowers you as a “creator” in your career. Instead of being passively evaluated, you actively engage and assess the opportunity at hand. Your future role should help you grow, challenge you, and align with your long-term objectives and interests.


Every professional decision you make should contribute to developing your skills, expanding your network, and progressing towards your personal goals. An interview is just one step in this journey.


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